Small and Scrappy - Pint-Size Patchwork Quilts

Small and Scrappy - Pint-Size Patchwork Quilts

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Pint-Size Patchwork Quilts Using Reproduction Fabrics
* Based on traditional patterns, these delightful little patchwork treasures are perfect additions to a quilter's decor.
* Stitch classic blocks using your favorite reproduction fabrics and create sentimental, handmade treasures you or a loved one will appreciate every day.
* 16 simple, small, and fast-to-make patterns you'll love to stitch
* Be inspired by the authentic look of quilts created with reproduction fabrics and traditional colors
* Beginners and experienced quilters will enjoy making and displaying these little gems year-round
Softcover, 80 pages, December 6th, 2016.


ISBN 9781604688252
Autor Kathleen Tracy
Verlag Martingale & Co., That Patchwork Place
Sprache Englisch
Matchcode TPP_B1393
Motiv/Thema Reproduktion, scrap
Stichwörter Projekte Nacharbeiten Reproduktion Nachdrucke; step-by-step projects reproduction
Artikelnummer 48006

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