Adornit - Nested Owl Charcoal Pattern Book

Adornit - Nested Owl Charcoal Pattern Book

Verlag: Adornit
Code: ADO_654376004140

CHF 15.00

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In den Warenkorb


This pattern book was ment to use owls printed on fabric, But you can make many projects using another owl or similar print. This book includes patterns and instructions for quilts, clothing, bags, pillows, etc.
44 pages, softcover,


ISBN 654376004140
Verlag Adornit
Sprache Englisch
Matchcode ADO_654376004140
Motiv/Thema Baby
Stichwörter Baby Heimdekoration Geschenk Geschenke; baby home decor gift gifts present presents
Artikelnummer 63728

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