Butterfly Fields

Butterfly Fields

Sampler Quilt Book using Wonder Curve Ruler

Autor: Jenny Pedigo, Helen Robinson
Verlag: Sew Kind of Wonderful
Code: SKW_658580219710
CHF 35.90/Stk.

Verfügbarkeit: Nur noch ca. 3 Stk. auf Lager.

Stk. für CHF X,XX
In den Warenkorb


This design combines curves and traditional patchwork for a perfectly balanced quilt block. Each butterfly finishes at 15" square. The Wonder Curve Ruler is necessary for cutting curved shapes.
Butterfly Fields is the perfect combination of curved piecing and traditional patchwork! We are showcasing 20 different traditional patchwork designs.
This variety is very engaging and produces a marvelous quilt with loads of eye candy.and cherished moments! You will need the Wonder Curve Ruler (Art. Nr. 54969).for this quilt,
Finished Size:
155 cm x 193 cm (61'' x 76'')
50 pages, softcover, 2024.


ISBN 658580219710
Autor Jenny Pedigo, Helen Robinson
Verlag Sew Kind of Wonderful
Sprache Englisch
Matchcode SKW_658580219710
Motiv/Thema curves
Stichwörter Runde Formen Kurven Schmetterlinge; curved piecing insects butterfly butterflies
Artikelnummer 63737

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