Big, Bold and Beautiful Colourful Quilts for Alll quilters

Big, Bold and Beautiful Colourful Quilts for Alll quilters

14 projets

Autor: Chris Jurd
Verlag: Quiltmania
Code: QMA_9782370821027
CHF 37.90/Stk.

Verfügbarkeit: Nur noch ca. 1 Stk. auf Lager.

Stk. für CHF X,XX
In den Warenkorb


Chris Jurd loves original prints in vibrant colours, using them with flair in her pieced and highly geometric quilts marked by bold design. Chris also uses English paper-piecing, which she describes in the book’s technical section. Her signature is the frequent use of black to emphasize some elements of the design and to give dimension to her quilts. This method is evocative of the stained-glass technique, revisited with a modern touch and much originality. The book includes a brief section on technique, in which Chris reveals her tips and hints. Fourteen quilts are fully explained and accompanied by their full-sized templates.
From the contemporary to the traditional, and bursting with colour, they will captivate quilters of all stripes! Discover her projects on her Instagram account! Bi-lingual book: English and French
Instructions and patterns included.
Softcover, 188 pages, 2022.


ISBN 9782370821027
Farbe Schwarz
Autor Chris Jurd
Verlag Quiltmania
Sprache Englisch, Französisch
Matchcode QMA_9782370821027
Motiv/Thema scrap, curves
Stichwörter Projekte Nacharbeiten Modern runde Formen; quilt projects curved piecing
Artikelnummer 58982

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