Half-Square Triangle, Square Up Ruler 9.5''

Half-Square Triangle, Square Up Ruler 9.5''

Manufacturer: Bloc Loc Rulers
Material: 100% Plastic
Code: BLO_BL-HST-95
CHF 59.95/pc.

Availability: In stock

Stk. for CHF X,XX
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Bloc Loc's half square triangle rulers make the tough job of squaring up easy and fast. The groove slides along the seam to trim smaller units and allows quilters to rotate the block without lifting the ruler.
Bloc Loc’s Half-Square Triangle ruler 9 1/2″ x 9 1/2″ locks onto the seams for instant ruler placement, control so that the seams end in each corner and trims 90% faster than a flat ruler. Ruler-rock is gone, too! Also trims quarter-square triangles, birds in the air, y-blocks, LeMoyne Star, double windmill, hidden square units and much, much more. HST ruler is multi-sized and trims in 1/8″ increments.
YouTube https://youtu.be/gUqbjcV36IE

Additional Information

Color Black
Manufacturer Bloc Loc Rulers
Matchcode BLO_BL-HST-95
Repository 15E
Material Plastic
Keywords ruler rulers square triangle
Product Number 63808

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