101 Maple Street - A Quilt of Woodland Wonders

101 Maple Street - A Quilt of Woodland Wonders

A Fanciful Quilt of Woodland Wonders

Autor: Anne Sutton
Verlag: Martingale & Co., That Patchwork Place
Code: TPP_B1564

CHF 27.60

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In den Warenkorb


Among the pretty leaves and pomegranates, a fox plays on a tree swing, squirrels gather goodies, a quail clutches her little umbrella, and a dog gives feathered friends a ride
* Welcome to the whimsical world of Anne Sutton, the creative mind behind Bunny Hill Designs. Magical moments await as you combine simple patchwork, appliqué, and touches of embroidery to bring a host of woodland creatures to life.
* Clear instructions guide you through techniques for both needle-turn and spray-starch appliqué, and full-size patterns make it so easy to get started. Delightful for decorating, the 65" x 77" quilt invites you to slow down and enjoy each stitch.
40 pages, softcover, June 1st, 2021.


ISBN 9781683561347
Autor Anne Sutton
Verlag Martingale & Co., That Patchwork Place
Sprache Englisch
Matchcode TPP_B1564
Motiv/Thema applique, Säugetiere, kid
Stichwörter Applikationen Hand; appliqués hand mammals woods squirrel fox children
Artikelnummer 60988

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