Sew This and That! - 13 Quick-to-Make Quilted Projects

Sew This and That! - 13 Quick-to-Make Quilted Projects

CHF 22.90/Stk.

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A bright and beguiling collection of delightful designs you'll love to stitch. Even if you're a beginner, you'll be successful from the get-go as you sew a variety of cheerful and colorful projects that are both fun and functional. You'll enjoy giving handmade gifts to friends and family--even to yourself!
* Choose from more than a dozen enjoyable projects for beginning to intermediate stitchers
* Sew affordable and attractive projects using your favorite precuts, especially charm squares
* Make these fast-to-finish projects with basic sewing techniques


ISBN 9781604687873
Autor Sherri K. Falls
Verlag Martingale & Co., That Patchwork Place
Sprache Englisch
Matchcode TPP_B1377
Stichwörter Projekte Nacharbeiten Tasche Kissen Tischläufer; step-by-step projects beginner bag bags table runner pillow
Artikelnummer 46843

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